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Our Team

Proven and reliable history developing and installing voting and legislative management systems

The IRC staff is comprised of legislative process and technology professionals that share an appreciation of state legislature functions to create and support superior legislative technology products. IRC knows the value of legislative staff experience and has actively employed such staff.

Bill Schaeffer President
Tyler Schaeffer Vice President
David Ward Jr. Client Relations and Operation Support
Ryan Babcock Product Manager, Voting Solutions
Robert Feidt Director of Voting Solutions
Bryan Hogan Director of Legislative Management Solutions
Jeff Finch Director of Client Relations and Legislative Process Consultant
Chris Hayes Software Engineer
Rita Barlow Product Manager, Legislative Management Solutions
Allen Smothers Lead Software Developer, Legislative Management Solutions
Howard Jorenby Senior Hardware Engineer
Cortland Finch Project Manager, Legislative Management Solutions
Scott Zinski Software Developer, Legislative Management Solutions
Joe Erhardt Senior Software Engineer
Dan Sanderson Senior Software Engineer
Scott Maddrea Legislative Process Consultant
Mary Gibson Office Administrator and Legislative Process Consultant
Nate Boucher Software Developer, Legislative Management Solutions
Tom Skelton Hardware Specialist, Voting Solutions
Kalen Wiley Software Developer, Legislative Management Solutions
Anthony Zivcsak Voting Specialist, Voting Solutions
Joe Freeman Software Developer
Christopher Adams Senior Software Engineer
Noah Kombacher Field Technician, Voting Solutions
James Coles Developer, Legislative Management Solutions
Catherine Munn Client Relations and Legislative Process Consultant
Mike Fulmore Software Architect, Legislative Management Solutions
Josh Allan Software Developer, Legislative Management Solutions

Experienced Staff

IRC's success is derived from the company's understanding and appreciation of the intricacies and desired efficiencies of the legislative process. IRC understands the legislative process from drafting to enactment and all the associated complex rules and procedures encountered in a political legislative environment. IRC realizes the importance of the legislative timetable and that any delay is detrimental to the overall operation.

IRC knows the value of legislative staff experience and has actively employed such staff. IRC has been fortunate in recent years to have on staff and in corporate leadership three former legislative Clerks and a Deputy Clerk, which presently includes the President of IRC, and the Director of Client Relations providing the company with direct legislative process knowledge and experience. These legislative assets are applied to each project and facilitate the development of correct technological solutions that account for any chamber's unique legislative procedure. Further, this foundation of legislative knowledge assures all legislative staff that their respective work products will be accurately represented for implementation in a digital environment. This collective knowledge of the legislative process allows these individuals to speak the legislative language, and understand the processes and complexities unique to a legislature and to pass this understanding to the IT and Software Development team.

IRC has a professional Information Technology, Software Development, Product Installation, and Training team that possesses indirect legislative experience and professional credentials having worked with or for state governments, diverse private companies, multi-million-dollar projects, and as private consultants. These individuals provide IRC with a proven pedigree of venerable legislative technology experience, passion for voting and legislative data integrity, and an adherence to creating a system that is reliable and efficient. Throughout IRC's successful technological development history, from product installations, iteration of system upgrades, and functional enhancements, our team has been in the forefront leading the way in the legislative technology realm.

IRC's collective foundation of legislative knowledge coupled with its technology proficiencies provide the essential elements for a successful team approach that is relied upon for the success of all our legislative solutions.

The IRC team brings over 100 years of legislative process and technology innovation experience to every system!

Our History